Primitive and Folk Artists Spring Giveaway 21 prizes and 9 gift certificates

The Primitive and Folk Artists on Etsy . A team of folks that create wonderful items are having a giveaway.
www.primitive and folk artists
Have a look Click on highlighted text.


Deb said…
Thanks for sharing the link Phyllis! It's a great giveaway and someone is going to be very lucky! Deb
Unknown said…
This is a wonderful give away. Stop over and sign up!
Hello Phyllis thank you for sharing the giveaway. I love your work
Janice said…
Ty for sharing our giveaway!!
Hi Phyllis!
Thank you for sharing the PAFA team giveaway! It is going to be an awesome win for some lucky lady!
Ann said…
Thank you for promoting our giveaway. You have beautiful woven items. ~Ann
Good evening, Phyllis,
Thanks for stopping by. Someone is going to get very lucky!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday ~Natalie
Anonymous said…
Hi Phyllis,

Just wanted to visit and say thank you for sharing the PAFA giveaway on your blog, I have become a follower of your blog. Goodluck in the giveaway! I love what you do!

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