Living the dream

We were not always working as artists but have created this lifestyle for ourselves . We made the decision 30 yrs ago to create and live off of what we make with our hands. Andy was away fishing King Crab in Alaska for 5 years and we had two little boys that wanted to know " where's daddy" . It was hard "yes " but we knew not forever.
We sold our piece of land on Orcas Island ,San Juan Islands in Washington state and moved back east to the Maine coast.
Now we live in a 200 yr old house on the Pemaquid Pennisula after raising our three children and can look back now and say "yeah " that was a great decision!
Our basic theme here is " build it and they will come" . We have stress at times but you know it is different kind of stress. When we decide on our own deadlines is different than deadlines imposed on you.
We are free to make decisions for our selves . Long hours you bet , but who working for himself doesn't want to go the extra mile !
So my point is "go for it" . If you have to reduce your hours working for someone else and build your dream life. Do it!
We are happy and thankful each day we get up and look around us.
A book Andy would suggest is The Artists Way by J. Cameron . It reinforced Andrew when he went through a period when he felt no creativity left in him.
For me weaving stabilizes my life . Through all the ups and downs of Andy creating I can count on repetitive work .
OK , got it? Peace then and love ! It is wonderful !


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